Another visit this is the 1st week of flower stages so excited to process this flower this year. Check out Electric Farms for great quality flower
When Oregon legalized recreational marijuana, the state decided to make the market as free and accessible as possible. It didn’t cap licenses, or restrict access to people living in state. It also made entry super cheap—growing licenses in Oregon go for as little as $1,000, compared to tens of thousands of dollars just across the
It’s been revealed that a third of psychosis cases in London are caused by the most potent form of cannabis. Warnings are being issued over the impact that smoking skunk can have. • Subscribe to ITV News on YouTube: • Get breaking news and more stories at Follow ITV News on Facebook:
When Jon Taffer rescued The Hammer in Las Vegas he set Chris up for success. Upon checking in on the business, he was surprised to see where Chris’ entrepreneurial spirit has taken him. #ParamountNetwork #BarRescue Jon Taffer embarks on a cross-country tour of the worst drinking establishments in America. Bad drinks, wild staffs, and wasted
Subscribe to the MERRY JANE Newsletter for the latest video releases and everything cannabis: In mid-November, the east coast’s first legal pot shops opened in Massachusetts with hundreds of customers waiting for doors to open. Each store held a ceremonial first sale: Iraq veteran Stephen Mandile bought an eighth of flower and a pre-roll
Lebanon is about to take a historic step for the Arab World with a proposed bill to legalize the cultivation of cannabis for medical use. But in the fertile Bekaa valley in Eastern Lebanon, where communities have been growing cannabis for generations, this news has not gone down well. VICE’s Rony Karkar finds out why
Members of California’s Sisters of the Valley are not affiliated with the Catholic Church and their goal is promote the legalization of marijuana at the federal level. » Subscribe to NBC News: » Watch more NBC video: NBC News is a leading source of global news and information. Here you will find clips
This Channel Posts EVERY SUNDAY!✅ Step by Step HOW TO GUIDE for cloning Cannabis Marijuana. This is an easy cloning demonstration of the very basic method beginners can use to clone cannabis. Im going to demonstrate how to take cuts, prep the clones and go over important tips on how to root clones. Step by
Now that legal weed exists (in some form) in 33 states, the cannabis industry is booming. But that doesn’t mean the fallout from decades of harsh anti-marijuana laws has gone away. So what happens to the people previously or currently locked up on marijuana charges, now that the laws have changed? We sat down with