Two years ago the mountainous Kingdom of Lesotho legalised growing medical marijuana, hoping to create jobs and raise income. Unfortunately, astronomical licensing fees have edged out local small-scale farmers, trapping some in the dangerous life of drug smuggling. Abonnez-vous à la chaîne de l’AFP, et pensez à activer les notifications 🔔
A reader asks: “Can I Make Marijuana Tea From My Cannabis Infusion Water?” You technically can, but yuck! I suggest a far better way to make marijuana tea in this video. This video is part of a longer article on my website, find that here Tired of wading through mountains of inaccurate information when
Must be 18+ to view this vlog of my personal growing diary. I am a licensed grower in the state of Hawaii, and I do NOT condone any unlawful actions as a result of this video All strains are my creations involving amazing friends, partners and family throughout my projects like Tony from Black King