Beginners Growing Medical Cannabis Ep.1 Welcome to my journey as a medical cannabis patient growing my own medicine for my pain and inflammation and quite often very debilitating RA ( Rheumatoid Arthritis ) I hope that you enjoy the process from start to finish with me! If anyone has any questions along the way about
This time we start the germination process…
Getting those ladies in some dirt…
Dr. Jay Joshi, #therealdrjoshi, one of the leading scientific thought leaders on proper pain management and and medical cannabis, presents “Medical Cannabis for Chronic Pain” at the first medical cannabis CME (certified medical education) event in Illinois. Presentation conducted April 22, 2018. In this segment, part 4 of 7, Dr. Joshi discusses cannabis pharmacology and
Let me know if you like how the videos are I made these 3 new videos in one day so not much was put into them I want these to be shorter and faster. I’ll be working on a video on watering at the moment for now and also I’m thinking about doing another series!!!
Smoking weed might make your COVID-19 symptoms worse — and this federal study is on a mission to find out how. » Subscribe to NowThis: » Sign up for our newsletter KnowThis to get the biggest stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox: In US news and current events today, a
Easy way to cook Happy Brownies
medical cannabis grow ,100%compliant .. we do not advocate illegal activities !! please like , subscribe , comment and share !! ask questions in comments .. thank you for watching . email
The National Network of Libraries of Medicine is funded by the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services. Learn more at