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At this Ellementa Book Club, meet Laurie Wolf, author of several cooking with cannabis books including Edibles for Beginners. She’ll be on hand to answer your questions such as: ~~ How hard is it to cook with edibles? ~~ How do you keep from getting too high? ~~ Do cannabis edibles help seniors? ~~ What Use the code Seedsjbv to get free shipping in the US and Canada
#CloningCannabis #MedGrower #Hashchurch #WakenBake #BlueDream #RockStar #PurpleIndica #SuperSkunk
Let me know if you like how the videos are I made these 3 new videos in one day so not much was put into them I want these to be shorter and faster. I’ll be working on a video on watering at the moment for now and also I’m thinking about doing another series!!!
In this video I’ll explain u every step in how to get a 100% success rate in germinating cannabis seeds! Seeds are “Northern Lights Automatic” from Royal Queen Seeds Quick Tutorial : 1. Put seeds in small glass of ph’d water (5.5 to 6.5ph) and keep them in a dark environment @ 22-23 degrees for