Discover how to grow with Grobo. Chief Horticulturist Stephen runs through two full grows with Grobo’s. Watch and experience what it’s like to get the full Grobo experience. In today’s video, you’ll learn how to: – Add a plant using our mobile app – Top your cannabis plant to increase yields – Germinate your plants
TO THE POINT, With Eric L. Mitchell. A refreshingly different view of the world, with guests getting granular through the lens of politics, society, entertainment and culture. Distilled and “To the Point”; because that’s where the essence is! Watch To the Point with Eric Mitchell Live Weekdays: 2 PM ET / 11 AM PT SUBSCRIBE
You will leave this conversation with your heart open and knowledge of a plant that has many benefits. Learn more about what has not been taught! GUEST: Kendra Jeffress, Activist for Cannabis Legalization and local business owner of Ladybugs Medibles, LLC. As Director of the North Carolina Patient’s Network, supporting our mission of providing education
Sorry Not Sorry if you guys are tired of the update videos, but I love watching the progress during this phase! I have done a lot of LST on all of the ladies with the exception of the baby girl who isn’t all that much of a baby Anyway hope you guys enjoy and
2020年5月11日(月) 栽培18日目 天気 晴れ後曇り 日の出 5:32 日の入 20:45 日照時間 15時間13分 最高気温 24℃ 最低気温 12℃ 湿度 65% Pineapple Expressは2つ、 Skunk Cheeseは2つ、 合計で4つ鉢植えしました。 ブログもやってます。 「はてなブログ」です。 リンクはこちら↓↓↓ 育てている品種 Pineapple Express(Hybrid) Skunk Cheese(Hybrid) どちらも、Autoflowering Feminized seedです。 Youtubeのバックアップとして”Bitchute(ビットシュート)”を使ってます。 リンクはこちら↓↓↓↓ こちらからも、フォローお願い致します。 #veganjahpanese #vegan #ganjah #japanese #vancouver 大麻合法国のカナダで、大麻を育てます。 バンクーバーのステキな夏の日差しに負けないくらい 美しい花を咲かせることでしょう。 “写真AC”というサイトに、追加で画像を数枚アップしました。 “写真AC”の、私のページへのリンクはこちら↓↓↓↓ 写真ACでは、 ・栽培中の大麻草 ・世界一住みたい街 ナンバー1 バンクーバーの美しい写真 をダウンロードでき、 あなたの年賀状やブログやサイト等、商用利用もできます。 ダウンロードには無料会員登録 が必要ですが、
Cannabis grow sativa 2020
How To Grind Cannabis- The Best Way To Grind Cannabis Are you looking for how to grind cannabis? If so, you have come to the right place. Because in this video, I will show you the proper and best way to grind cannabis. This is the weed grinding complete video, where you will learn A-Z
Just wanted to do a review on Dragonfly Wellness and give a huge shout out to their staff for the professionalism and integrity that they always have! Also a little review in the 801 Glue strain.
Join us today, as Chef Cj takes you through the methodology of processing Cannaflour. One of cannacooking’s DOPEST staple foods, to cook with ! Follow us on IG @letseatpodcast Now smoke a J, and let’s go !!!!!
Why Legalize Drugs (Marijuana – Kanjav , Cocaine, LSD, Meth etc) : 1. It will eliminate illegal trade and associate crimes. 2. Kanjav addiction is rare 3. Taxing Kanjav will increase government’s revenue 4. Kanjav use has medical benefits 5. Kanjav is less harmful than alcohol Popular Drugs in India: Alcohol, cannabis, opium, and heroin