Nearly two years after Missouri voters approved medical marijuana sales in the state, a dispensary expects to start selling in St. Louis County.
This week in our cannabis news roundup, interstate cannabis commerce are on the horizon. Florida patients now have access to edibles as long as they do not resemble any form that appeals to children. Lastly, the MORE Act has once again been delayed. Learn More: Check Out Our New Dosing Calculator : ►
In this weeks episode of High on Home Grown, the Stoners Podcast, we have an interview with Peter Reynolds from CLEAR! We will also be continuing last weeks discussion on different ways to use cannabis. Specifically cannabis edibles, balms and bath bombs. And of course we have all of our usual sections! Cannabis news,
Several firefighters made an alarming discovery in Brooklyn while putting out a fire. They found what’s believed to be an illegal pot factory inside a vacant building; CBS2’s John Dias reports.
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Set to 1.50X speed to maximize the content and your time 🙂 Canadian Cannabis Retail Sales By Province and Territory: Episode 6: Slides & Sources: Make More Capital presents Reality Check: Cannabis in 2020, my new educational series on the state of Cannabis today. We are at a historic point in time, as
I made this video before I received a gift from someone I DO NOT KNOW. Not sure if I should blast name of person or not. I got a xs 1500 as a gift.. Some people truly are kind,nice people to strangers. I wasn’t asked to do a video on light. Plan out gift💯 The
More details: Follow us on Instagram: HQGROWING Facebook: ROCKYHQGROWING Online-store: Amazon storefront :
Gov. Tom Wolf continued pushing state lawmakers to legalize recreational marijuana in Pennsylvania. Wolf spoke Tuesday morning from Monroe County about the potential economic benefits and how marijuana arrests affect minority communities. Read more HERE: SUBSCRIBE: ABOUT WPXI 11 News: WPXI-TV is your source for breaking news, weather and sports coverage in Pittsburgh.