Watch more Marijuana Facts & Medical Marijuana videos: If you live in a state which has allowed the use of marijuana for medical purposes with a doctor’s authorization the main thing that you want to do is educate yourself about what the law allows and what the role of the doctor is in your
Are you a grower?🌱 Do you want to be a grower? 🙋🏻‍♂️ If you answered yes to either of those questions, then you’ll want to answer the one question @Christine_Sclafani is asking… Is the temperature and the humidity right in YOUR cultivation facility? If you hesitated for a second, you need to watch this video
In South Africa your life can swiftly descent into hell when you smoke cannabis. This is what happened to Myrtle Clarke and Jules Stobbs. They lived their ordinary lives as television producers, where smokers and got caught. In South Africa there are around 3 million people using cannabis. It is the first country in
Donald Abrams, M.D. is chief of Hematology and Oncology at San Francisco General Hospital and the co-author—with Andrew Weil—of Integrative Oncology (Oxford University Press). Abrams has extensive experience working with cancer and HIV/AIDS patients and is a pioneer in the field of medical cannabis research. The U.S. government classifies cannabis—along with heroin and LSD—as a