Cooking with cannabis
This is the “Week One” of the season 2 grow. Spider Farmer hooked me up with a kit and the outdoor season is amongst us. I’ll be growing 1 indoor (Northern Lights Auto) and some outdoor in the green house. Come check me out every set of the way and follow the journey. Leave comments
Woodchip mulched paths and Dairy Doo covered planting spaces has my hoop house soil prepped and ready to go for the 2021 outdoor in ground cannabis growing season.
Cannabis. Growing Marijuana #GrowingWeed Weed Defoliation #GrowingCannabis #GrowingMarijuana Growing Cannabis: S.O.S! “Houston We Have A Problem!” Marijuana Grow Tutorials. Weed And Wrestling #WeedAndWrestling Growing Cannabis: Subscribe Here WeedAndWrestling Growing AAA Marijuana Marijuana. Cannabis Grow Tutorials. Flowering Cannabis Plants Growing Weed Growing Big Marijuana Buds ‘General Hydroponics’ ‘Flora Nova’ Organic Bloom. Growing Weed Cannabis Grow. How
*** I WILL NOT ASK FOR DONATIONS BUT IF YOU HAVE THE WANT YOU CAN DONATE TO MY PAYPAL, ALL PROCEEDS GO BACK INTO THE GROW!!! TO HELP OUT JUST CLICK HERE: *** We are now on Week 5 of the mystery seed, and as you can see I went ahead and did a
#Cannabis #Freedomday #520 Inspired by a fellow Bayou State native, music mogul Master P is leading the charge to acknowledge May 20 as Cannabis Freedom Day, meant to champion widespread legislative change and freedom for people convicted of marijuana sales. Fate Vincent Winslow was sentenced to life in prison in 2008 after selling $20 of
Hey Guys, In today’s video I’m showing letting y’all into my kitchen for a cup of tea. Y’all already know that I drink hella tea so I figured I’d show y’all how I make my cannabis tea ☕️ Enjoy!! #TeaWithDesignisme #CannabisTea _________________________________________________________ ✂️ C O N N E C T W I T H M
Growing With Fishes Podcast. A podcast dedicated to growing aquaponic & cannabis and spreading information to the masses about sustainable cannabis and veggie production! Stoney Scholar Family Relief Fund Growing With Fishes Podcast Discord Aquaponic Cannabis Merch Potent Ponics Classes Marty’s Channel APMeds Steve Channel Potent Ponics Facebook group
Stephanie Haines has the story.