Info on led lights Slim 600H, Optic 8+ and Optic 6 gen 4 Ac Infinity Inline Fan 5 Gallon Smart Pots Pro mix Hp Medium Coco Grow Medium Gorilla Grow Tent 4×4 in the video Gorilla Grow tent 4×8 grow tent 3×3 Fabric pots Fan and
Cannabis Videos
i will be sayin the date in each update now to help keep track of whats the newest update n stuff… this video was filmed after igtv update 5 i believe. too many vids im losing track myself haha, but jus go based on date, or maybe ill start adding date to title. enjoy!!
Showing you the basic equipment needed for you to grow marijuana at home. Below are all the links to all the amazon items mentioned in the video. In Part 2 we will go over growing techniques and transplanting. Nutrients used: Insect killing soap: CloneX: Scissors curved: Rapid Rooter Tray: Rapid Rooter
Q & A on Bleu and his life around the Cannabis lifestyle. Inherited from father to son’s
Easy Cannabis Recipe. In this video you will learn how to make cannabis pizza aka weed pizza using a mug in 2 minutes or less. 💥Ingredients to make Cannabis pizza aka Marijuana Pizza: 👉4 tbsp of flour 👉1/4 baking powder 👉pinch of baking soda 👉pinch of salt 👉2-3 tbsp of canna oil 👉3-4 tbsp of
Season 3 Episode 10 Legalization of Marijuana
A group of MPs have called for medical cannabis to be made legal. We spoke to Marcus, who uses cannabis medically to help with the side effects of the chemo he receives to treat his cancer. He also believes it might help him beat cancer. Newsnight is the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs TV
In this one we show off our new grow area. The video was supposed. To be upright but turned out to be upside down our new vids will be right side up. But enjoy.. this channel is for 18+ please like and subscribe
Your own outside weed grow school. Learn a proper outside cannabis backyard grow. A basic guide on how to grow weed outdoors wikihow style. Whether outdoor growing in Ontario, Florida, Washington State, Minnesota, Oklahoma, California or elsewhere this is your step by step guide for everything from rain, nutrients and fertilizer to bud rot. MENTIONED