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Cannabis Videos
The Georgia Poison Center is issuing a new warning to buyers tonight. But those in the industry say what they sell is legal and goes through testing.
First go at growing Auto-flower, I research all the equipment I would need. So far the experience has been like no other, my mission is to grow and smoke my own weed, not to many people can say that. That being said, my Auto-flower in the green bucket is about 64 days in and no
This week, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill requiring hospitals to allow severely ill patients to be medicated with cannabis. “It is inconceivable to me that, in a state where medical cannabis was legalized more than 25 years ago, those in deepest suffering receiving treatment in our state’s healthcare facilities cannot access this proven,
Full Live Stream: Harvesting Tobacco, Hops & Cannabis from Our Patio Garden: Chilling, Trimming & Talking Life [ASMR] ***SUPPORT*** ▶️ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/chycho ▶️ Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/chycho ▶️ Subscribe Star: https://www.subscribestar.com/chycho ▶️ Streamlabs at: https://streamlabs.com/chycholive ▶️ YouTube Membership: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe4HBBAeK0CYoir4LjXU8fA/join ▶️ …and crypto, see below. ***WEBSITE*** ▶️ Website: http://www.chycho.com ***LIVE STREAMING*** ▶️ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/chycholive ***VIDEO PLATFORMS*** ▶️ YouTube:
Die Hanfverband-Videonews vom 01.10.2021 ❤️ Legalisierung? Jetzt mithelfen & Mitglied werden: https://hanfverband.de/unterstuetzen 0:00 • Intro 0:21 • Hat Deutschland die Legalisierung gewählt? 16:22 • Wiesbaden will Cannabis-Modellprojekt 17:55 • Luxemburg gibt Legalisierung auf 21:45 • Termine Die Tonspur der Sendung steht hier als Audio-Podcast zum downloaden oder direkt hören zur Verfügung: https://hanfverband.de/file/dhvnews309podcast01102021mp3 • Hat Deutschland
A drug operation was snuffed out Wednesday, after detectives from the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office served search warrants in the East Bay and found one of the largest illegal marijuana growing operations in California. Melissa Colorado reports. Stay connected: Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nbcbayarea Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nbcbayarea Follow us on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/nbcbayarea Add
Kronic will be discussing his thoughts on the cheapest, easiest, and fastest ways to grow weed at home. What are the cheapest and easiest setups for home growers in an apartment, townhome, rental house, or a home you own. Or different places you can grow in those spaces such as closets, balconies, or basements. Then
Today in cannabis news: A committee of South Dakota state legislators seeks to overturn an important provision in cannabis legislation to ban home-grown medical cannabis; the governor of California enacts legislation allowing for the utilization of medical cannabis in hospitals statewide for terminally sick patients; and prior to a special session being convened, the governor
Hello Growmies! Eindelijk is het zover! Seizoen 4 aflevering 1 “Start van een nieuw Seizoen” Is done! En dit is het eerste seizoen dat ik voor jullie in het Nederlands vlog! Hopelijk vinden jullie het leuk en steken jullie er wat van op! Let me know in the comments!!! Dit seizoen: Seeds: @wildstrains.eu Breeder: Fast