A former U.S. attorney general says that the country is “clearly on the path to decriminalizing marijuana” at the federal level as more states continue to advance reform. Eric Holder, who served as the nation’s top law enforcement official under President Barack Obama, spoke on a drug policy panel hosted by Ohio State University’s Moritz
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Hello, and Welcome to another Episode of The Dank Hour where we bring you the experts, and ask the hard questions. So sit back Roll up, and get educated, entertained, and enthusiastic about Cannabis Markets!!! Don’t forget to sign up for our news letter to get the invite to our nm live shows! YouCANNAGrow.thinkific.com
Today in cannabis news: A major U.S. House panel passes a proposal for the second time to eliminate the federal prohibition on cannabis; Sen. Chuck Schumer claims that prominent senators have reached an “agreement” not to push for cannabis banking reform until federal prohibition ends; and as more states legalize the plant, excessive cannabis consumption
According to a spokesperson for the league, the National Basketball Association’s protocol of not routinely screening athletes for cannabis will be extended throughout the 2021-2022 season. Last year, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver hinted that the interim halt on cannabis screenings would be extended and the league has confirmed that the halt would remain unchanged at
A Doctor of Physical Therapy, entrepreneur, consultant, and businessman, David Cunic has been in the cannabis industry for years now, and now he is advising dozens of companies in cannabis about how to get started. Using Common Sense is his company and approach to Using Cannabis Safely on Green Rush LIve with Jimmy Young and
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The Mexico Supreme Court ruled that the nation’s federal ban on individual cannabis cultivation and possession was unconstitutional three years ago. On numerous instances, at the behest of lawmakers, the judges decided to move the timeframe for Congress to officially remove cannabis restrictions. However, after several fruitless efforts, the court moved in June to change
Though several Pennsylvania localities have passed resolutions decriminalizing the possession of cannabis, statewide cannabis reform measures have failed repeatedly. In order to further motivate the state government to proceed with cannabis reform, the Philadelphia City Council has mounted an initiative on the municipal ballot. The initiative would have “the citizens of Philadelphia call upon the
Autoflower Cannabis Indoor Grow of Strawberry Pie Autos Seeds from FastBuds Genetics week 2 in detail timelapse from Days 3-10 in this weeks episode 2 In full detail how to water on the firsts weeks of the grow In soil from fox farm, plant and under ViparSpectra XS1000 Led grow lights also for full autoflowers