Cannabis Videos

More states have been legalizing the recreational use of marijuana but everyone across the country could light up if proposed federal legislation passes. Thanks for stopping by FOX 46 Charlotte’s YouTube channel! We’re proud to bring you local stories, breaking news, in-depth investigations, Charlotte-area weather, and more! Subscribe to FOX 46 Charlotte YouTube: Watch
Register for HedgEye On The Prize: Ever wonder what it’s like behind the scenes of a hedge fund? Hedgeye pulls back the curtain with a deep-dive in our stock picking process with The Call @ Hedgeye. Follow this link for more info: In this clip from The Call @ Hedgeye, Consumables analyst Howard
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Last Friday, with a historic infrastructure bill passing, provisions allowing federal research to be conducted on actual dispensary-made-available cannabis are now headed to President Biden’s desk for his signature. Historically, federal cannabis research has only utilized cannabis grown from the University of Mississippi, which researchers recently discovered more resembled hemp in its chemical makeup. Ole
In the three years since Canada legalized recreational cannabis, dispensaries have become so prevalent in some cities, civic leaders are concerned that they’re changing the character of entire neighbourhoods and want to see the stores limited. Watch The National live on YouTube Sunday-Friday at 9 p.m. ET Subscribe to The National: Connect with The
SHORT. UNFILTERED. UNEDITED AND OFF THE CUFF AUDIO CLIPS. (accompanied by mildly interesting backgrounds) . Come check out the channel and be sure to subscribe to see all the FUN UPCOMING PROJECTS! Including, GIVEAWAYS, LIVE SHESHES, INFORMATIONAL VIDEOS, BREAKDOWNS and MORE! . .#420 #californiaprop65 #growyourown #cannabiscommunity #cultivation #organic #megacrop #growerschoice #autoflower #topshelf #homegrown #pressure #fire