Gefahren auf dem Schwarzmarkt, illegaler Anbau und ein Milliardengeschäft: Auf einer Reise durch Deutschland finden wir heraus, wo Cannabis schon längst seinen Platz gefunden hat – und was eine Legalisierung ändern würde.
Cannabis Videos
The Michigan Marijuana Regulatory Agency is warning people of a recall on a number of cannabis products. (Nov. 19, 2021)
Republican Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina introduced legislation to federally decriminalize marijuana, a measure she said would give states freer rein to pass their own laws and regulations without fear of federal reprisals. Mace joins “Morning in America” to discuss the bill. #marijuana #pot #gop #bill #decriminalizingmarijuana Start your day with Morning in America,
18 + Only Hi Everbody, The folks at Vivosun sent me this 2x4x5 foot grow tent to review and show my viewers. This series I will scrog and flower this MAC1 caps cut beast I have been vegging for 6 months and already showed in Vegging Out ep.5. This plant needs a bit of time
Aus den Ampel-Koalitionsverhandlungen sind vor dem Wochenende Details einer möglichen Legalisierung von Cannabis bekanntgeworden, eine Einigung gibt es allerdings noch nicht. Mehrere Medien berichteten am Donnerstag und Freitag über ein Papier der Facharbeitsgruppe Gesundheit von SPD, Grünen und FDP. Darin heißt es: «Wir führen die kontrollierte Abgabe von Cannabis an Erwachsene zu Genusszwecken in lizenzierten
Kentucky officially has a legal organization filed whose priority is defending Kentuckian’s rights to grow, smoke, make oil, sell, or do whatever you want with hemp and pot. (1) We care about Kentuckians (2) We consider all weed Cannabis and do not discriminate or distinguish between so called recreational and medicinal marijuana, that is ridiculous
Find out more at: #Marijuana #Bars #Cookie #Cookie_recipe #Free_Marijuana _Magic_Cookie_Bars
hey! welcome to the first video in my series about marijuana. I’m super stoked to be making weed-related content, please let me know what you think and what you want to see! instagram: instagram.con/victoriapstirling_
As California works to differentiate its cannabis industry with state certification of cannabis and appellations, Mary Beth Albright travels to Sonoma Hills Farm for a cannabis-and-food pairing dinner Subscribe to The Washington Post on YouTube: Follow us: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: