The Taliban have claimed that an Australian firm would bankroll a $450 million Cannabis processing plant in the Central Asian country. ‘C-Pharm’ the firm named by the Taliban has however has denied any such allegations. #Taliban #Cannabis #Australia About Channel: WION -The World is One News, examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much
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Die Spitzen von SPD, Grünen und FDP haben sich auf einen Ampel-Koalitionsvertrag verständigt – nun müssen die Parteien noch zustimmen. Die Grünen starten bereits am Nachmittag eine Urabstimmung, bei der die Mitglieder das Vertragswerk absegnen müssen. Bei SPD und FDP sollen Anfang Dezember Parteitage darüber abstimmen. Nach dem Zeitplan der drei Ampel-Parteien soll Olaf Scholz
Growing Cannabis Pheno Hunt FoxFarm Cultivation Nation 70/30 Growing Cannabis Flowering Strains: Cherry Louis, Chunkadelic, Sugar Daddy, G-13 & Rosetta Stone. MARS HYDRO TS 1000W Nature’s Thumb Rolling Tray @naturesthumb Twitter & Instagram This Documentary is for Educational & Entertainment Purposes Only!
Leaders of Germany’s incoming governing parties have announced a formal agreement to legalize marijuana. Sources: Germany Will Legalize Marijuana And Promote Drug Harm Reduction, Governing Party Coalition Officially Announces
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The State of Cannabis News Hour. Your Daily Dose A one hour news program that covers the leading headlines in cannabis across the world every weekday! at 9 am PST Where industry leaders, regulators, and lovers of cannabis gather collectively to move policy forward in an inclusive and sustainable way. Professionals and canna-curious alike can
A petition is now being circulated by the advocacy group Alliance for Sensible Markets for anyone wanting to press the governors of Western states to urge the U.S. Department of Justice to clarify what would happen if states agreed to control cannabis trade among themselves. Currently, every state’s cannabis industry is compartmentalized in its boundaries.
REVIVE LO ÚLTIMO DE #CATAENVOLA 🌿 Al principio, una quemada es suficiente. Pero después de respirarte como 40 hectáreas de cáñamo, con una quemada no te bastará para descubrir los secretos del universo 💫 Así que anda ahora mismo a nuestro canal de YouTube y ponle play a la última #CATAENVOLÁ, tal vez ahora puedas
Throughout our career, it has been an ongoing mission to provide our fans with quality products. Whether it’s music, beer, or tequila, we put in the time, care and effort to make sure we’re delivering merchandise to the market that have been thoroughly scrutinized by all of us. The obvious next step in this progression