If New Zealanders vote to legalise cannabis, there will be a cap on how much is grown every year, set by an authority that will also divide the quota between licenced growers. The government has released the final version of the Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill. It is at the centre of two referendums that
Cannabis News
The horror of war doesn’t stop when soldiers return home, with many suffering mental health issues including post-traumatic stress disorder. Over the past two decades there have been at least 400 suicides among Australian veterans. Today, a veteran of two tours of Afghanistan is making an impassioned plea for government support to use medicinal cannabis
In March, when the majority of American businesses were forced to close due to coronavirus, one industry is still staying somewhat afloat: cannabis. During the week of March 16, cannabis dispensaries in legal states across the country started seeing their sales surge with long lines forming outside of stores and an uptick in online ordering
Like so many other things, the coronavirus pandemic is set to dampen 4/20 celebrations, meaning cannabis retailers can’t depend on the sales spike they’ve come to expect on the industry’s biggest holiday. For obscure reasons, April 20 is the most important day of the year in stoner culture, typically marked by festivals, parties and smoke-ins.
While the economy is taking a hit during the coronavirus pandemic, the cannabis business is booming. NBC News’ Jake Ward reports on the industry earnings and the spectrum of risk depending on how people consume marijuana. » Subscribe to NBC News: http://nbcnews.to/SubscribeToNBC » Watch more NBC video: http://bit.ly/MoreNBCNews NBC News Digital is a collection of
Recreational marijuana becomes legal in Illinois starting Jan. 1, 2020, and while Wisconsin residents can purchase it in Illinois, it cannot be brought back into the state — and law enforcement officials near the border said they’re ready. via.fox6now.com/z3bqF
10News’ continuing coverage of the coronavirus pandemic
Smoking weed might make your COVID-19 symptoms worse — and this federal study is on a mission to find out how. » Subscribe to NowThis: http://go.nowth.is/News_Subscribe » Sign up for our newsletter KnowThis to get the biggest stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox: https://go.nowth.is/KnowThis In US news and current events today, a
How medical dispensaries are adapting to the health crisis surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more health stories at https://cronkitenews.azpbs.org/category/health/ Madison Atkinson/Cronkite News