NEWS: The Jardin Las Vegas Dispensary donated an entire day’s proceeds to the Buried Alive Project to help people jailed for selling marijuana.
Cannabis News
Connecticut is now the 19th state to legalize adult-use recreational marijuana. CBSN New York’s Hazel Sanchez has more on today’s bill signing.
Should cops be allowed to use medical cannabis in Utah?
In its first year of marijuana legalization, Illinois’ industry has seen rapid growth but also persisting inequality. Full story:
Am 21.06.2021 fand im Gesundheitsausschuss des Bundestages eine Anhörung einem Antrag der FDP statt: “Cannabis zu Genusszwecken kontrolliert an Erwachsene abgeben – Gesundheits- und Jugendschutz stärken”. Hier dokumentieren wir die Antworten von DHV-Geschäftsführer Georg Wurth auf die Fragen von Pia Zimmermann (Linke), Dirk Heidenblut (SPD) und Kirsten Kappert-Gonther (Grüne). Seine schriftliche Stellungnahme ist hier auf
During the early days of the pandemic, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signed an executive order that temporarily legalized medical marijuana telemedicine. Initially, the order was set to expire on June 11, but was then extended until July.
More evidence is emerging that crash rates go up when states legalize recreational use and retail sales of marijuana. Crash rates spiked with the legalization of recreational marijuana use and retail sales in California, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon and Washington, a new study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and another by the affiliated
Organizations for civil rights are striving for a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives this month on a proposal to federally legalize cannabis, however some advocates with expertise in state-level cannabis legislation are now calling for updates to the measure to guarantee that the industry is inclusive and that those most affected by criminalization
The ACLU and the NAACP are among a group of prominent activist organizations pressing lawmakers in Congress to schedule a vote on a U.S. House proposal to federally legalize cannabis by the month’s end. The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights (LCCHR), an alliance of over 220 national groups, wrote to House members urging
For months now, cannabis advocates are waiting and lobbying for Federal reform of cannabis based on President Biden’s campaign policy, but nothing has happened. Senator Chuck Schumer’s initiatives have been slowed to a halt. Will it ever happen? Even if it does will the filibuster of 60 votes in the Senate even be realistic? NCIA