Cannabis News

Will cannabis reform ever get through the Federal Government? The answer is probably yes, but don’t expect it to happen soon. Despite the overwhelming will of the people, Washington DC politicians continue to dig in their heels along party lines, and cannabis reform remains in limbo. Michael Correia is the Director of Government Relations for
In a case contesting the state’s restriction on smokable hemp, a Texas appeals committee rendered a divided verdict. The court concluded that while authorities can prohibit the manufacturing and production of goods meant for vaping or smoking, they cannot restrict such items from being sold statewide. The Third District Court of Appeals made a differentiation
Covering some recent news and Q&A for however long it lasts R.I.P Wayward Bill, cannabis activist Quan Holt, who lost a leg while being a good samaritan, receives a settlement from the company for the accident, Alabama steals everything through asset forfetire. Oregon pot shop shows great places to sesh in Idaho. Leafly might go
Groplanner O Series LED Grow Light’s unboxing on @Cannabis Legalization News – we’d like to give a shout out to our sponsors, please check them out. Here’s more below. Groplanner O Series LED Grow Light: US Amazon: (5% off Promo Code: GTT5CODE ) Groplanner LED GROW Light: Website: (6% off Promo Code:GTT5CODE )