I discuss the week’s most important cannabis business news, detailing the articles linked in the New Cannabis Ventures weekly newsletter. You can access this week’s newsletter here: Home You can sign up to get the newsletter by email going forward: Read the New Cannabis Ventures Newsletter If you are looking for more information about investing
Cannabis News
A British football coach handed a 25-year sentence in a Dubai prison after being found with four bottles of CBD vape oil, has spoken of the “shocking conditions” he is experiencing in a call to his mum filmed by ITV News. • Subscribe to ITV News on YouTube: http://bit.ly/2lOHmNj • Get breaking news and more
A 24-year-old football coach has been sentenced to 25 years in prison in Dubai after police discovered 4 small bottles of CBD oil, which he claimed were left in his car by a fellow Londoner he’d driven to the airport two weeks earlier. Despite being able to prove they weren’t his, Billy Hood was forced
CNBC’s Frank Holland joins ‘Squawk on the Street’ from Toronto where he discusses the three-year anniversary of cannabis legalization in Canada. Frank Holland brings in David Klein, Canopy Growth CEO, and Miguel Martin, Aurora Cannabis CEO, who discus consumption percentages, the various stages of legalization the valuation of these pot stocks.
Cannabis industry reflects on a record year of financial growth
CNBC’s Frank Holland joins ‘Squawk Box’ from Toronto to explain why shares of Canadian cannabis companies have struggled in U.S. markets. Canada legalized cannabis three years ago, making it the largest fully legal cannabis market in the world.
The state of Nevada sold more than $1 billion in marijuana sales for 2021, but $159 million of it used for public education is far from enough.
Going to talk about the DEA shooting that happened in Tucson and other reasons to defund the police
00:00 Themenüberblick 01:07 Pflegepersonal weiter unter Dauerbelastung 05:04 Debatte um Cannabis-Legalisierung 09:44 Lkw-Kontrollen auf der A45 15:51 Fluthelfer ringt um Rückzahlungen 19:17 Serie “DAS behindert mich”: Schule und Ausbildung 24:37 Kraniche über Hessen — Neu bei YouTube! Jetzt hier hessenschau abonnieren 👉 https://1.ard.de/hessenschau_abo — Noch mehr Nachrichten aus #Hessen findest Du hier auf unserem Kanal,
Die Debatte über Legalisierung von Cannabis nimmt Fahrt auf. SPD, FDP und Grüne könnten bald entscheiden, ob sie Koalitionsverhandlungen aufnehmen. Sind diese erfolgreich, könnte ein Ergebnis auch eine kontrollierte Freigabe von Cannabis sein. Im WELT Interview bricht der Berliner Jugendrichter Andreas Müller eine Lanze für die Legalisierung des Cannabis-Konsums. Die Überlastung von Polizei und Justiz