Rhode Island leaders are inching closer to an agreement on legalizing recreational marijuana, but have still not settled on what sort of governing body will oversee, regulate and issue retail licenses in the potentially lucrative market for legal cannabis. Stay in the know with WPRI 12 News. Local news, weather, sports, and award winning investigative
Cannabis News
I discuss the week’s most important cannabis business news, detailing the articles linked in the New Cannabis Ventures weekly newsletter. You can access this week’s newsletter here: Home You can sign up to get the newsletter by email going forward: Read the New Cannabis Ventures Newsletter If you are looking for more information about investing
SPD, Die Grünen und die FDP sitzen gerade zusammen, um über einen Koalitionsvertrag für eine gemeinsame Regierung zu beraten. Eines der Themen dabei ist sicher eine mögliche Legalisierung von THC-haltigen Produkten, vor allem Cannabis. Wie könnte so eine Legalisierung aussehen? Darum geht es in diesem Video. Das Betäubungsmittelgesetz in seiner aktuellen Fassung – https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/btmg_1981 Der
On Tuesday, the Congress of Costa Rica voted to legalize cannabis. The legislation now proceeds to President Carlos Alvarado to sign. Independent lawmaker Zoila Volio called this a milestone and stated that cannabis legalization would not increase drug use, quoted as saying, “I trust that President Alvarado has understood that and will not veto
Outside the DEA headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, an activist group called Anonymous Apes established a metallic monolith and demonstrated around it. Intended as a reference to the 1968 Stanley Kubrick “2001: A Space Odyssey” film, Anonymous Apes hopes to inspire the DEA to move forward from its decades-long thought war surrounding cannabis. “The
Much is made about CBD and its health benefits, but our investigation reveals many CBD products are still illegal in Canada. Those health claims? According to experts, they’re not all backed by science. To read more: http://www.cbc.ca/1.6217192 #CBCMarketplace #CBD #Health »»» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: http://bit.ly/1RreYWS Connect with CBC News Online:
One topic in the coalition talks to form a new government in Germany is the legalization of cannabis products. All three parties are in favour of a regulated system for cultivation, trade, and sale. German pharmaceutical companies are also hoping for a boost from this. When cannabis was legalized in Canada three years ago, many
Kommt mit einer Ampel-Koalition auch eine Legalisierung von Cannabis? Grüne und FDP sind sich einig, den Besitz und Konsum zu erlauben. Ob und wann ein entsprechender Gesetzentwurf vorgelegt wird, steht allerdings noch nicht fest. Das Video gibt einen Überblick der Argumente, die für und gegen eine mögliche Legalisierung von Cannabis in Deutschland sprechen. Mehr dazu
Cheers, claps and partying was heard across Melbourne’s CBD last night as excited residents celebrated their new freedoms and lockdown lifting. Social media users took to platforms like Twitter, TikTok and Instagram from 11.59pm as restrictions across the city finally lifted. Subscribe and 🔔: http://9Soci.al/KM6e50GjSK9 | Get more breaking news at 9News.com.au: http://9Soci.al/iyCO50GjSK6 ►9News Lunch
“This regulatory agency does not have the authority to determine Texas law,” said attorney George Milner.