#cococoir #cannabis #GrowingWeed In this video I’ll show you the most straightforward way of feeding your marijuana plants in coco coir. There seems to be an information overload when it comes to nutrients. Alot of it being fueled by marketing. If you have a headache just thinking about what to feed your plants, this video
DHV-Geschäftsführer Georg Wurth nimmt aus aktuellem Anlass Stellung zum Thema “hohe THC-Werte & Psychosen”. ARD, Report München vom 14.01.2020: Gefährliches Cannabis – Vom chilligen Joint zur gefährlichen Partydroge https://www.br.de/fernsehen/das-erste/sendungen/report-muenchen/videos-und-manuskripte/gefaehrliches-cannabis-104.html Tagesschau, 14.01.2020: Rauschwirkung vervielfacht – Suchtmediziner warnen vor Turbo-Cannabis https://www.tagesschau.de/investigativ/report-muenchen/cannabis-165.html RND, 14.01.2020: Turbo-Cannabis: Mediziner warnen vor einer Legalisierung https://www.rnd.de/gesundheit/turbo-cannabis-mediziner-warnen-vor-einer-legalisierung-BNXV5KWA4NDUFNXVAEVOKVSTQU.html
For the first time, the Parkinson’s Foundation is openly talking about the use of medical marijuana for Parkinson’s disease (PD).
Since the medical marijuana bill passed in Minnesota, patients across the state say they have been helped, Jennifer Mayerle reports (3:12). WCCO 4 News At 10 – April 3, 2017
Wonderful device marijuana and lawn.
All the legal marijuana news and headlines for Wednesday, January 15, 2020. Headlines of the day // Illinois dispensaries sold more than $19.7 million in recreational marijuana the first 12 days of sales (Chicago Tribune) // FDA Would Be Required To Allow CBD Product Marketing Under New Bipartisan Bill (Marijuana Moment) // New Hampshire Lawmakers
It can be difficult to grasp why cannabis is still mostly illegal around the globe, while jurisdictions like Colorado or Canada have proven that legal cannabis is indeed not the end of the world. The United States in particular has a storied history with cannabis prohibition, which has been propped up by reefer madness propaganda
Here’s a little closet grow. The light is a Viparspectra V300, drawing 129 watts. Nutrients by #ShogunFertilisers Monitored by Sensor Push from #SensorPushTech Supplimental CO2 by #TNBNaturals Genetics by #ParadiseSeeds
You probably heard of stories of everyday American becoming millionaires by investing in marijuana stocks? Some have even became billionaires in this lucrative market. Your asking yourself “how can I get involved in this? You come to right place and I will tell you how! The legal cannabis market is currently $10.8 billion. And could
If you’re a marijuana grower, experienced or not, you’ll want to make sure that you seek out the best weed strains of 2019. Without the right marijuana seed, you’re going to face some complications, when attempting to grow your bud. The best cannabis strains will provide you with an exceptionally high germination rate. This will