I grabbed some random pieces of trees and made a foliar spray. The most important thing is too use very low amounts of the tea. I make a standard compost tea but using about 1/5th of the raw ingredients I would normally. Then brew for about 24-48hrs. I then mix that at 10ml too 700ml
The former talk show host stopped by KCAL9 Thursday.
Everything you need to start growing cannabis for beginners and for more serious growers. In this video: Clones Mothers Plants Veg Flower Nutrients Pest Management Setups Rotation Lights Equipment DIY Soil Adult education, follow all laws in your area, be safe and use responsibly.
Thursday, 19 March 2020 Cooking with cannabis? | Blue Job This will bring everyone to the yard. #Blue_Job
TUESDAY MARCH 17 2020 in todays report Happy Saint Patrick s day Ireland has a long history of using medicinal cannibus William O’Shaughnessy “there was sufficient to show that hemp possesses, in small doses, an extraordinary power of stimulating the digestive organs, exciting the cerebral system, of acting also on the generative apparatus. The influence
NOTE TO YOUTUBE MODERATORS: The Videos on this channel are for EDUCATIONAL & RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY. They are not in violation of any YouTube policy’s. No Drugs are for sale, and no one is being harmed, or being put at risk by watching this content. today I got to answer a question regarding how plants
Week 3 of flower, Chong’s Choice from Paradise Seeds. L.A. Amnesia, Blue Kushberry, Mendocino Skunk Music thanks to @ImmaculateCultivars on Instagram
💚Hey Guys! Were back for your entertainment📺. We have been staying at home much more often because of this virus and we decided why not get back into vlogging and entertain you guys while this pandemic settles down. We do have a lot of things to catch you guys up on SO STAY TUNNED FOR
Cannabis sales are spiking amid the COVID-19 outbreak. » Subscribe to NowThis: http://go.nowth.is/News_Subscribe » Sign up for our newsletter KnowThis to get the biggest stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox: https://go.nowth.is/KnowThis In US news and current events today, in the midst of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic cannabis sales are surging. #Weed #Coronavirus
Showing the beginning of Low Stress Training on day 34. Deep water culture cannabis grown indoors.