In this episode of my Organic Marijuana Grow, I will be going over how to adjust the pH of your water organically, along with showing you my plants on their 8th day. This is my 2nd grow that I’ve done, so any advice would be much appreciated! My Links: Instagram – Subscribe –
This video shows how to make a no smell marijuana butter from start to finish.
Join the Dank Hour Experts and special guests for a in-depth look at microbes
Polizeigewerkschaften haben die Unterhändler einer Koalition aus SPD, Grünen und FDP vor einer Legalisierung von Cannabis gewarnt. Der Bundesvorsitzende der Gewerkschaft der Polizei (GdP), Oliver Malchow, sagte der «Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung» (Dienstag), es mache keinen Sinn, neben dem legalen, aber gefährlichen Alkohol die Tür für eine weitere «gefährliche und oft verharmloste» Droge zu öffnen. «Es
How To Grow Medical Marijuana For many people, Medical Marijuana makes it possible to carry out their daily activities without pain, illness or impairment. For such individuals, paying regular visits to their local dispensary might be unnecessarily inconvenient and expensive. If you’re such a person, the solution to this problem would be to grow your
Polizeigewerkschaften haben die Unterhändler einer Koalition aus SPD, Grünen und FDP vor einer Legalisierung von Cannabis gewarnt. Der Bundesvorsitzende der Gewerkschaft der Polizei (GdP), Oliver Malchow, sagte der «Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung» (Dienstag), es mache keinen Sinn, neben dem legalen, aber gefährlichen Alkohol die Tür für eine weitere «gefährliche und oft verharmloste» Droge zu öffnen. «Es
Growing With Fishes Podcast. A podcast dedicated to growing aquaponic & cannabis and spreading information to the masses about sustainable cannabis and veggie production! Aquaponics Association Instagram: @AquaponicsAssociation Dutch Blooms Instagram: @Dutch_Blooms Growing With Fishes Podcast Discord Aquaponic Cannabis Clothing Potent Ponics Classes Marty’s Channel APMeds Steve Channel Potent Ponics
*This news is NOT investment advice. It’s for educational purposes only.* Mid Week Update: Curaleaf, Verano, Harvest Q2 Earnings: GTI, Trulieve, CC & Cresco Q2 Earnings: Corrections: @5:11 October, Not September. Also worth sharing, Lobbying List for SAFE: Timecodes: 00:00 – Intro 00:40 – Senators Urge AG To Start Decriminalization Process,
In this video, I show you a cannabis photography macro lens I recently purchased and give it a review! The lens is the Mitakon 20mm f/2 4.5X Super Macro Lens. With this lens, I show you a few photos I’ve taken of marijuana with it and give you tips & tricks on how to best