Lights By Unit Farm #unitfarm #uf1000 #uf2000 Genetics by Dr. Seeds Grow tent by Vivosun Inline Fan by Vivosun Lights by Phlizon Lights by Bloom Plus Control Systems by Inkbird Amendments By Gaia Green Gaia Green – Oyster Shell Flour Gaia Green – Power Bloom 2-8-4 Gaia Green – All Purpose Organic
CANNABIS: “Kiffen ab 18 alles andere als harmlos!” Drogenbeauftrage Daniela Ludwig schlägt Alarm Die Drogenbeauftragte der Bundesregierung, Daniela Ludwig (CSU), warnt SPD, Grüne und FDP vor einer Legalisierung von Cannabis. “Zugunsten eines vermeintlichen Zeitgeistes die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung zu riskieren, kann und sollte nicht Ziel der neuen Bundesregierung sein”, sagte sie der “Rheinischen Post” (Dienstag).
#cannabis #hydroponic_supplies #hydroponic_store #hydroponic_setup Hope you guys enjoy this! 👉 If you enjoy this video, please like it and share it. 👉 Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel for more updates. 👉 Subscribe now: 👉 Twitter Account: 👉 Facebook: 👉 Buy The Grow Book Here 👉 Know More Grow More
Australian doctors prescribing cannabis oil for patients with chronic pain are reporting encouraging results, saying it’s better and less damaging than powerful narcotics. One GP says it’s transformed his practice, but medical regulators and many other doctors remain cautious. Subscribe to 7NEWS Australia for the latest news video » Connect with Seven News online
Mit der Ampel-Koalition könnte auch die Legalisierung von Cannabis kommen. Einige Politiker bringen sich schon in Position. Polizei und Wissenschaftler warnen hingegen davor, wie gefährlich Cannabiskonsum sein kann. Diese Erfahrung haben auch zwei junge Menschen gemacht. Sie erzählen exklusiv in Kontrovers, was die Droge mit ihrem Leben gemacht hat. Linda (Name von der Red. geändert)
Just a little update on the grow
David Cruz talks with Dianna Houenou, Chair, N.J. Cannabis Regulatory Commission about the latest on the cannabis industry in NJ. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE for daily videos: For full episodes, check out Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: —————– While NJ PBS does not and cannot review every submission and is not responsible
I’m excited to start my new channel. I plan on teaching cooking with cannabis, and also making tinctures, lotions, and oils. I decided to keep things simple for my first go round. Decarbing marijuana is preparing it for use in cooking and tinctures. Cannabis must be heated to activate the psychoactive effects. This is super
Greetings! Please checkout for your cannabis seed needs. Marijuana seeds for donation. Free seeds with every order. Best seed bank How to sprout cannabis seeds Best strains Highest thc Cannabis Cultivation