Er ist Europas Cannabis-König: Mitten im hügeligen Allgäu steht ein Bunker. Das Besondere: Er ist bis oben hin voll mit Cannabis. Das Königreich von Stefan Langer (41), Gründer von „Bavaria Weed“. Seit 2018 sitzt die Firma im Ex-NATO-Spionagebunker. Der Bunker ist atombombensicher, hat 1,35 m dicke Stahlbetonwände, 2,30 m dicke Decken, wurde 1990 fertiggestellt und
The Utah Department of Health announced it will speed up a planned expansion of the state’s medical cannabis program. Full story: More Utah news: Subscribe: Like Fox 13 News on Facebook: Follow on Twitter: Follow on Instagram: Subscribe to Fox 13 Newsletters to receive breaking news, weather, and daily
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California cannabis companies say the state’s legalized pot industry is unable to compete with the illegal network of growers and sellers due to unfair and excessive taxation on legalized cannabis products. Subscribe to KTVU’s YouTube channel: KTVU delivers the best in-depth reports, interviews and breaking news coverage in the San Francisco Bay Area and
If you have ever dreamed of what it would be like to grow weed for a living, or to start your own cannabis business, this story will give you inspiration to go after those goals, as well as some important tips for success. ****************************************************** Sign up for our Newsletter Home ******************************************************* Smokey Okies Cannabis was — Subscribe to ION News HERE FOLLOW US Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
Cannabis legalization in the U.S. seems inevitable. In this video, we break down the political landscape, how the cannabis industry works, and where we can invest to achieve huge gains if the cannabis industry takes off. Sign up for all premium research, our favorite stocks and investments, quick ratings, the exclusive streams, the DCF calculator,
A conversation between Tyler Green & Simpa Carter all about cannabis’ representation in our nation’s Tabloids and the wider media Chapter list 00:00 Intro 00:30 Topic today: Tabloids & Exposes 01:43 Data and spins on news stories 02:59 “Causing psychosis” – associating cannabis to problems 04:44 Cannabis Language – used to paint negative pictures 05:19
Dr. Sanjay Gupta follows several families who have seen the miraculous benefits of marijuana when used on their children struggling with autism. CNN’s special report “WEED 6: Marijuana and Autism” airs on Sunday, December 19th at 8pm ET. #CNN #News