Cannabis News

420 NEWS End of Prohibition New York Legalizes Cannabis Recreationally

Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill legalizing recreational marijuana Wednesday, making New York the 15th state to do so after lawmakers approved the sweeping measures Tuesday. The bill makes it legal to possess small amounts of pot, launches programs to help communities that bore the brunt of the national and state drug war, and eventually allows marijuana sales to people over the age of 21.

The Cannabis Regulation and Taxation Act was a bill under consideration by the New York State Legislature during the 2020–2021 session to legalize cannabis. It was contained in Part H of the revenue bills embodying Governor Andrew Cuomo’s budget proposal, A3009, and S2509.

Legislation to legalize marijuana in the 2021 session was ultimately approved independently of the budget process as the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act.


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