Last Friday, the House passed the SAFE Banking Act (for the 6th time) and the bill will now proceed to conference with the Senate.
It was also revealed on Friday that Representative Ed Perlmutter, a Democrat from Colorado, has been in talks with Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s office and Senator Cory Bookers’ and Nancy Pelosi’s, confirmed in a press briefing to Marijuana Moment, to pass this legislation.
Chuck Schumer, also confirmed he plans to formally introduce his bill, the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act in April of this year.
Mitch McConell once again used his platform to bash cannabis banking, to which the US Cannabis Council responded: quote “Cannabis isn’t a punchline. It’s a rapidly growing industry that supports over 300k American jobs and is on track to reach $30b in revenue this year. Cannabis is agriculture, technology, finance, science, medicine, and yes, recreation”.
And the US Cannabis Council, champions for reform, recently celebrated their 1 year anniversary on February 8th, and we’re joined today with President & CEO Steve Hawkins.