The Israel Police in a statement said that the pouches were filled with “a dangerous drug” and that officers managed to recover many of the packets. Photos distributed by the police showed it was filled with Marijuana. According to the Jerusalem Post, the packets were dropped by Telegram Group named “Green Drone”. This group advocates for legalization of cannabis in Israel.
The group told followers on Telegram that this was just the start. In the message they said, “The weed packets were distributed by us Green Drone. Enjoy brothers and sisters. One day we will make sure weed is legal in Israel and everyone can enjoy the benefits.” Police identified two suspects who were responsible for distributing the marijuana packets. They have been arrested. An investigation is going on. A police spokesperson said, “The distribution of a suspected narcotic substance is illegal. Currently in Israel Marijuana possession is partially decriminalized for small amounts. If a large amount is kept for distribution and the person is caught, then strict punishment will be given.
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